About Me

fot: Kasia Cerazy

This is not a camera taking photos, it is a photographer. Unlikely will a bad pianist ever be reckoned a music genius just by playing on the Steinway piano, however what the hell, he still would look kind of cool ;-)

I am enjoying the photography more then any other pleasures in my life (including scratching itchy back), I developed this passion with help of my love and my master in looking at the world, my sensei in composition, as well as my apprentice in using the equipment properly and understanding technical aspects of photography, my wife Kasia, we are a perfect match in this aspect (so it is in many others I hope).

This blog is unlikely an announcement of a new photography star, no I have no such ambitions (and such an ego), it is more about having a little something in my life that gives a lot of pleasure and to share it with others, friends as well as lost internet surfers.

It is mostly a travel photography, taken on a number of my personal and professional trips and surely other type of photography including the most important subject: my daughter Nadia, my favorite model.

Please visit also these site:

katarzynacerazy.blogspot.com - very subtle type of arts photography (this is a star)

kasiacerazy.blogspot.com - incredible graphics made by Kasia (enjoy)

popography.blogspot.com - comercial photography for people where Kasia and I play as a photographers duet on requested assignments.